Weird, Wild & Wacky Shit seen around the slopes
The sights and sounds of skiing are both wonderful and unique, and every ski area I’ve ever been to offers its own special little things that can be found nowhere else. Some, however seem to stand out above the rest with some truly weird, wild and wacky shit. The list below is 16 of the oddest things I’ve ever seen while skiing. Have you seen some weird shit around the slopes? Drop it in the comments on Facebook or shoot me an email at: Happy Scrolling! ~Z. Phelan~
-Bigfoot Skis!.. without poles.
Rode the chair with this guy at Purgatory Mountain Resort in Colorado and when I asked about his unique onesie, he commented that it was “very warm.”
-Antique Crane
Can be found at Powder Mountain in Utah. Might have been used in the original construction of the ski area, but has obviously been derelict for quite awhile.
-“Do not steal” sticker on snowboard
It’s sad to think of theft being a thing at ski resorts, and I imagine this sticker came about because this person was a victim of theft before. Rather amusing choice though. Seen at 49 Degrees North Ski Area in Washington.
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-Gondola car on a snowcat
Carrying around a gondola car on a snowcat?… You know, just in case you need an extra one, or need room for some passengers.. Right? Seen at Silver Mountain in Idaho, which has the longest Gondola ride in America. Read more about that here.
-Epic Snow levels break trail sign
From the infamous Winter of 2017 that broke snowfall records around the Tahoe Basin. This picture was taken at California’s (and Nevada’s) Heavenly Valley where they got so much snow it literally caved in the trail sign.
-Mountain top igloo bar
On good snow years, this can be seen on the upper slopes at Austria’s SkiWelt. Inside is a fully functional ski bar molded out of snow, see the next picture for the inside.
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-Igloo Ski bar
The inside of SkiWelt’s Igloo Ski Bar, with a full bar, benches and seats molded out of snow. SkiWelt, Tirol, Austria.
-Heavenly’s Mega-plow
Wanna clear a parking lot in about 2 seconds? This bad boy will do the trick. This Mega-Plow can be found at Tahoe’s Heavenly Valley in the Boulder base area parking lot. The T-Rex placard on the grill is a nice touch too.
-Beware of Moose sign
You know you’re in some wild country when you start seeing signs like this. This sign was posted at the head of a trail at Colorado’s Steamboat Ski Resort. Although I didn’t get to see the moose during my 3 day trip, the sign inferred that several people had and this was certainly something I hadn’t experienced at a “lower 48” ski area.
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-A pallet Pyramid
This monument to, uh… boredom? Was seen at Colorado’s Telluride Ski Resort. Don’t ask me what it means, or if it still exists, it’s just one of those uniquely weird things that makes you scratch your head and imagine that the person who made it must have had a lot of spare time on their hands.
-A hummer with Tank treads
Upon Google investigation I was not able to nail down an official name for a vehicle like this, but it looks like a pretty cool way to get around on the snow. This tanked out Hummer with sled trailer was spotted at Utah’s Powder Mountain a few season’s ago. Certainly looks like it would be fun to drive eh!?
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-A “Powder Room”
This amusingly named slope-side bathroom can be found at Washington’s 49 Degrees North. This funny little double entendre caught me quite off guard when I saw it, and coupled with a few other observations at this quaint ski area hint to its laid back vibe and good sense of humor. Oh, and the terrain isn’t too bad either.
-A napkin holder with some sass
If you’ve never skied Schweitzer Mountain Resort in Idaho, I’d recommend adding it to the top of your next ski trip list, as it is one of the most unique, funny and original ski areas I have ever been to. Odd little jokes and curious sayings can be found all over Schweitzer, from the trail signs, to the ski patrol warning notices, lift que signs and even on the napkin holders. Only good vibes at this ski area, in the air and in writing!
-A ski tree
This oddly curious little tribute to skiing can be found at Colorado’s Hesperus Ski Area. I ran across it on a very cloudy and foggy day and upon first site it seemed rather creepy, but this unique display certainly has its appeal and makes me wonder if it was created from gear that was dropped from a chairlift.
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-A wiped out skier tunnel
This bit of ski art was seen in the Italian Dolomites at Dolomiti Super Ski. It was basically a huge snow mound with a tunnel just big enough to ski through and some gear that appeared like a skier had wiped out trying to go through it.
-common sense weather station
3/4 of the way up State Road 206 headed to Mount Spokane in Eastern Washington is a pretty rad mountain retreat called the Bear Creek Lodge. This eclectic and rustic hotel has a great mountain vibe, a cool bar, and snow tubing on premises. Plus they have a pretty decent sense of humor with this no nonsense “weather rock” hanging outside.
-Massive frozen water fountain
Europe is full of unique and quizzical things that us Americans don’t see every day, and these giant frozen water fountains are certainly nothing I’d ever seen before. These massive ice sculptures can be found in the canals near Dolomiti Super Ski in the Italian Alps. They’re about 3 stories tall!
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